Monday, August 25, 2014


Another Transfer Day

So today was another 'transfer day'. I'm not sure why there was another transfer day but a ton of missionaries transferred today. I just transferred two weeks ago and now my companion just transferred on me! That's right I've only been here for two weeks and now I'm left to take the lead! But it's alright I can handle it! I'm here in Manta-angan which is part of the Bacolod North Stake! Which means that I am now much much close to the Big CIty of Bacolod. I'm still about an hour away from the Mission Office but closer than that to the Mission Home! Oh and this is the nicest apartment I've had yet, so that's great! It's big and clean and even has RUNNING WATER! YEA! haha we even have a shower, still cold, but at least it's a shower!

These past couple weeks have been pretty good. The first week we didn't have too many investigators or recent convers attend church because it was pouring rain. Even though our apartment is not that far tfrom the church and we had umbrellas our pants were pretty soaked when we showed up at the church. We did actually have one recent convert who came to church even though she had to walk a really long way and she had no umbrella. She was sopping wet from head to foot. Talk about dedication!!! I got up and bore my testimony with the intention of introducing myself, but I got so into my testimony that I totally forgot to introduce myself, oh well! haha
So this past week I was able to conduct my first baptismal interview for little 8 year old Nicole. My companion is the District Leader but he had a super sore throat and couldn't really speak very well so the Zone Leaders gave the ok for me to conduct the interview. It went very well and she was ready for baptism. She's been attending church for a few years now with her grandma who is a member!

This week I also taught one of the best lessons I have probably ever taught during Gospel Principles class. I taught of the Atonement. It's amazing how much a little study of the manual can help before you actually teach a lesson! haha

So just last night we were on our way home when a car was pulling up behind us and it honked its horn. I figure they were just telling us to get out of the way and I jokingly said to Elder, "Let's ride!" The the care pulled up and gave us a ride! It was awesome. They were super nice and told us that they had seen us a few nights before walking in the rain with our umbrellas and that the wanted to give us a ride but that they were too shy. But last night they picked us up and were very nice. They started talking to me English and when I responded to them in Ilonggo they were very surprised! it was kinda cool. Before we got out we gave them a pamphlet and the Brother asked if our number was on it! So that comes as a pretty good sign! I hope it can go somewhere. They aren't from our area, but they know people who are members of the church so hopefully that can be of help to them as well!

Well i'm super hot and tired from all this travel on this unexpected transfer day so I will let you all go! I also want to say congratulation Ashley! :) Sounds like you had quite the experience but I'm sure you wouldn't trade it for anything!:) Love you baby Reed! Don't get too big before I come home! You still need to be super cute! ;) haha

I love you all and hope you have a great week! :)

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