Monday, November 17, 2014


Happy Birthday Mom!:)

So this was another good week here in Sewahon! Our new apartment is soooooo much nicer than the last! We did have a couple fights with Tokos but those shouldn't happen anymore because they should have no more way of getting in the house! We sealed off all the entrances haha

We had a pretty crazy week with coming down the mountain 3 times! Once for pday, another for Zone Training Meeting, and then another on Saturday for General Conference. It was fun!

I also went on exchanges with Elder Sablan in Alimatoc on Wednesday before our Zone Training Meeting. Elder Sablan is our District Leader but is also a former Assistant. Kids good. haha We had a crazy day. We walked 30 minutes up the mountain to meet Elder Sablan and Elder Cicon for our exchanges and then Elder Sablan and I walked another 30 minutes or so up the mountain farther to get to Alimatoc. The whole time we were carrying boxes filled with Books of Mormons and other things. They had to have been like at least 30 pounds. THen to top it all off it started raining on us! It was great! haha The many wonderful experiences of Missionary Work!

Then on our exchanges while walking up a hill of clay I slipped which resulted in my left food going shin deep into the small creek nearby. Then We walked out into the middle of nowhere in the pouring rain in water trenched pathways resulting in water entering both of my shoes. Then we were hiking our way back up out of the middle of nowhere and had to cross flood water almost knee deep. It was one CRAZY day of missionary work let me tell you! I also was able to do 2 Baptismal Interviews for them! Always fun to help people prepare for baptism!

This week we only watched the Saturday Session of General Conference here in Sagay. Then on Sunday we just held our normal Sacrament in Sewahon. We started having a Sunday School based on the Gospel Principles to help build the faith of our Investigators and Recent Converts! It went really well! We reached 40 this week in attendance! As for General Conference, still waiting to watch the Sunday Sessions, but I really enjoyed those on Saturday! I really enjoyed Elder Christofferson's talk. I've taken a liking to him since he visited our Stake the day I was set apart! haha I loved how he mentioned that we don't get to be the ones who decide what is right and what is wrong. It's already been decided. We will always have to face the reality of what's right and what's wrong whether we like it or not. I loved his little analogy of how we'll still fall off a cliff if we jump whether we agree with the Law of Gravity or not. One day we will stand in front of Christ and have to live with the consequences of what we've done, whether we agree or not. We have to do what He says, not what we want. Faith and Religion doesn't depend on us, it depends on Him and what He has said is right. We must spend our time trying to figure that out, searching for his ONE true church. Not just what we think is right, or where we feel comfortable. What we are truly searching for is Eternal Happiness, not just happiness in this life. How sad will it be if we chose happiness in this life but that it doesn't result in eternal happiness in the life to come. That is what I learned from Elder Christofferson! Hopefully I get to listen to the Sunday Sessions soon!

Hope you all have a great week! Next week I should be on on Monday, but probably at a later time! Love you all! :)

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