Thursday, October 9, 2014


Happy Birthday to my wonderful father! The big 50! Sad that i'm going to miss it, but it's all good! There will be plenty more!

"Elder Walters do you have any health problem? Can you say that you are most physically fit?"

That is the text I received from President Lopez. Transfer day is this week and I already know that I will transfer because President called and told Elder Rakuro that he will train this next transfer, which means that I will leave.... again. And the fact that President asked those things means that I will probably be far away from Bacolod City again and maybe somewhere up in the mountains! Which is kinda exciting! We will find out later this evening probably!

This week was alright. We weren't super productive. We had a good week going up until the point that President called us! Then we kidna slacked off a bit, which isn't how it should happen. This next week we will pick things back up with our new companions! I'm gonna miss Elder Rakuro. The kids a blast. We have so much fun every day!

We were able to attend the National Family Week Celebration this past Saturday in Talisay. It was a tri-stake activity so the Bacolod Stake and the Bacolod South Stake joined us here in the Bacolod North Stake. There were a ton of people and it was pretty much a giant waste of our time, but we got to eat lunch and I got to see people from Manta-angan so that was kinda nice!

Oh, I also got slapped by a little girl on Saturday. Little Michelle is 2 years old and we are super close haha. We walked up to there house on Saturday and she was sitting outside on this little stool like thing and as soon as she saw me she stood up and tried to give me the stool. I said "No, you sit down!" and she just looked at me and said "Pungko bala!" haha It was so funny. "Pungko" means Sit and 'bala' is just like an added emphasizer. So it was really funny. So I sat down and then she was standing between my legs leaning on one and then a little while later she walked away and then started crying because her mom had walked away. So then I told her 'It's ok she'll come right back. Don't cry!" then WHACK! she got me right in the face! hahaah I totally didn't see it coming but it's all good! She's just a little girl and she's so darn cute! I just think it's funny!

Well I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful week! Next time I email you I will be 21 years old!!!! Where has the time gone! hahahah

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