Monday, August 26, 2013


Ginatudlo kami sang isa ka deaf nga babeye! (We're teaching a deaf girl!)

So this week was pretty awesome. The work is still slow, our key indicators numbers aren't very high and we don't have many progressing investigators or lessons that we teach throughout the week, but I feel like it's getting a little better! We've committed a girl named Carla( she's about 15 and her little sister is a recent convert) to be baptized on September 28. Pretty good day if you ask me. I think it'd be pretty sweet if the first person I ever baptize is one of my investigators on my birthday, so I hope that works out. She didn't come to church yesterday, which was depressing because we taught her and her sister the night before and her sister came to church, so hopefully that works out still.

We had one of our investigators come to Church yesterday though, and get this..... She's deaf! It's pretty awesome. I love when we get to "talk" with her. She knows sign language, which means she knows english! So usually we have to phones going and we just type messages and pass the phones back and forth, or sometimes we just use pen and paper. She's also taught us some sign language which is pretty awesome. She's a super nice girl and is always got a smile on her face. She seemed to really enjoy church and the young women were super nice and took her to class and everything!

Also this week, Elder Hawk and I had the opportunity to sing at a Mini-Funeral Service. Here in the Philippines funerals are crazy. The actual funeral is at some random church and like the whole town goes. After the funeral service they all walk or ride the tricycles (very slowly) until they get to the cemetery. It causes huge backups on the main highway haha. However our Ward usually does a mini funeral service at the home for the family and the ward. So Elder Hawk and I got there and got volunteered. So we sang 2 verses of "I Need Thee Every Hour" it was actually really cool. Elder Hawk has a good voice and I sing pretty well especially when the person next to me knows what they're doing ;) haha So that was fun!

Well let's see. I again rode on top of a jeepney and on top of a tricycle this week. Always fun, gets a nice breeze in the heat! I don't think anything else too crazy had happened. Just a few more lizard deaths in our home. Apparently they just can't handle us.

So I read in John chapter 10 recently and in that Chapter Christ is speaking to his newly called 12 Apostles. He tells them in verse 14 that if they do all that he asks, and they serve and love one another and keep his commandments that they aren't his servants, but his friends. I believe in that chapter that they use the word disciple rather than apostle, and we know that disciple also means all believers of Christ. So we can relate that scripture to our own lives as well. We are all brothers and sisters of our Savior Jesus Christ, while here on this Earth we have many opportunities to serve him and serve our Heavenly Father, however just like that Chapter says, if we do all that he asks and keep his commandments we aren't Christ's servants, but we are his FRIENDS. I just thought that was an awesome Chapter. Sure Christ was perfect but in all reality we have that same potential. Maybe not in this life, but in the next. We will all be friends and I just think that is awesome! I love all of you guys and all that you do for me! I hope you find as much peace and comfort in this chapter as I do!

-Palangga ko kamo.
-Elder Walters

Front of our Basketball Shirt (We used the USA Bball Logo)

The back of the shirt

The Sleeve (We stole the NBA Logo)

Just riding on top of a Jeepney

Elder Hawk on top of the Jeepney (Better)

Tiki on our Kitchen Table

The Basketball Clinic

On my camera my neck tan was a lot worse! hah

Gwapo Means Handsome - the younger girls had written this on the board and I just had to get a picture of it!

This is Jona - She's deaf! She's super fun and always has a smile on her face!

Jona again!

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