Monday, September 2, 2013



This week once again was slow. We have 0 progressing investigators, so that's depressing. We have people that love listening to us, and seem to understand the importance of everything we say, we just can't get them to come to church. I don't know what it is. I'm beginning to understand more and more each day, I just still can't respond to them! Always a problem, especially in just everyday conversation I usually don't know what's going on!

As Mom already saw on President Lopez's facebook page, we have now been given the OK to Online Proselyte. Each Ward in our mission will have a Missionary Run facebook page. It's pretty cool. We're given an hour each day to get on facebook and check our ward email as well. We have yet to find an investigator or teach a lesson, but we're also allowed to use skype to teach if we need to. We allowed to teach a first lesson to anyone who contacts us, but then we need to refer them to the right missionaries. I'm really excited to see it get going! Technology is a great tool if we use it in the right ways!

So last P-day we went to play basketball in Pulupandan and after we went and got dinner at Namitz, like always. Then we returned home to Valladolid to find out that the apartment keys had fallen out of my pants pocket when we changed at Pulupandan. So we had to travel all the way back to Pulupandan with out groceries from the day and all our baksetball stuff and everything at like 830. We ended up staying there because it was so late. I slept on the floor on top of couch pads. Not the best night of sleep, but what can you do when you're an idiot and you forget the keys haha! It was also quite difficult standing in the door of the bus holding on to my groceries in one hand. 2 bags draped over my shoulder and holding on for dear life with my other hand, but hey, I'm alive so It's all good!

I was reading in the July 2013 Liahona this week, and I read a pretty awesome article. It was about forgiveness. There were a couple pretty awesome quotes
but I don't have them word for word on me right now. One was from President Uchtdorf, and it said 'When the Lords commands us to forgive men, that also includes us. Sometimes we are the person who needs our forgiveness most.' I think that is so true sometimes. Sometimes we demand greatness from ourselves and we get upset when we don't reach it. Sometimes we make mistakes and think that the Lord won't forgive us so we don't forgive ourselves either. That's where the quote from Elder Holland came in. He said 'No matter what you've done, how far astray you've gone from the path of righteous you think you have gone, the talents you may or may not have, that we can never fall outside the lines of divine love. We can never travel outside the limits of the Atonement of Christ.' Those quotes aren't exact but get the point across. It's so true. Never give up on ourselves, help others to realize these same truths. No matter who we are or what we've done, forgiveness is there for us if we want it and work for it. The Lord loves us all and wants us all to be happy. He loved us all enough that he died for us. Remember that always. Never give up on yourself, and never let others give up on themselves either. There is no limit to the Atonement of Jesus Christ and it's blessings.

Nothing too crazy happened this week. Rode in top of a couple jeepneys again. Rode a tricycle for like 7 miles. Didn't eat anything crazy, so just another week here in Valladolid. I love all of you guys! Take care! :)

-Elder Walters

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