Monday, May 19, 2014


Another good week here in Mina comes and passes. Elder Dela Cruz was transferred, so that was kind of a relief. I did learn from him, but I did not enjoy our time together as companions. After he left tuesday morning I was companions with Elder Agbuya for the day until our companions arrived that night. We went to Hinoba-an for our District Meeting. I've always wanted to say i've gone to Hinoba-an so that was cool. It's the farthest area in our mission! But apparently they're going to open a couple groups farther south that are part of Hinoba-an. But that was a fun ride. It's like another hour farther south than Mina. My new companion is Elder Fernando, he's awesome. He's from Nueva Viscaya (same as Elder Orlanda). He is super easy to get along with. I've been doing all of the teaching mostly since he arrived. He's only a couple transfers ahead of me, but I've been leading the area and he's just been following along. So we'll see
what's next in line for me.

We had another succesful baptism at the beach on Saturday! Last week it wasn't allowed, this week it was all good, not sure why, but it's all great it was fun! We rode back from the baptism on a tricycle in our wet baptismal clothes because there really wasn't anywhere to change comfortably, so we got some weird looks but it's all good! Tatay Arellano was supposed to be baptized last week but was sick, so he was baptized this weekend. His testimony after his baptism was solid. He has come such a long way. It's amazing to see the impact the gospel can have an individual and a family. He wants us to visit other members of his family and help them as well! Marlon was the boy that we baptized. His older sister is a member and has two kids that are the same age as marlon so he has friends already, and he is super solid as well. He joined us yesterday when we visited his mom and he taught her how to pray. It was so cool! When I looked at his mom while he bore his testimony at his baptism she wiped tears from her eyes. She wants to be baptized as well but they problem is she said her husband has no real care for religion like at all, so that's our next project! I love helping people and teaching them the gospel!

We also have a super progressing investigator named Jessica who's 12 and has been to church 4 weeks now. She thumbindexed her Book of Mormon that we gave her and borrowed mine so she could see how I mark mine and I gave her a couple hi-liters too, and she borrowed my bible yesterday so she could read that as well. She's crazy smart!

The work in Mina is great, I love the people here! But transfer day is Wednesday, so we'll see what happens I guess. Don't know what is coming my way! but we'll know tomorrow! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

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